Looking After You… Ways To Help Fight Off Winter Blues

Looking After You… Ways To Help Fight Off Winter Blues

During this time of year it can feel a battle to have a bounce in your step with the winter blues. People who suffer with SAD aren’t the only ones who struggle with the shorter days, colder weather and the darkness. Here are a few ideas on how we can keep our energy levels up during this bleaker months…

Get outside – this can seem somewhat contradictive but stepping outside into nature can give you the boost you may need “blowing away the cobwebs” as they say. Make sure you wrap up warm and still remember to put a nourishing moisturiser with an SPF to protect your skin from the elements

Wear bright colours – just because the weather is dreary doesn’t mean your dress sense has to be. Adding something bright and colourful to your daily outfit could not only give you a lift but the people around you may appreciate the cheery vibes.

Hang out with positive people – this is especially important in winter when we spend most of our time sitting indoors having coffee with family or friends and when the negativity is heavy it can deepen the blues. Keep things light-hearted and change the subject if you feel it spiralling that way.

Vitamin D – It’s a good idea to supplement vitamin D in the winter since we get most of our vitamin D from the sun. Many diseases are linked with low vitamin D levels, especially depression. So it’s worth getting this into your daily routine to help you ride the winter months.
