Business Profile: Jane Casey – Wellness Coaching – Why Wait?

I used to say: ‘I will start eating better after my holiday/in the new year’, or ‘there’s no point exercising today, I have so much going on the next few weeks’ or make some other excuses for not taking control.

But why wait? As you’re reading this, right this moment, you have the ability to start creating change. For the better. Take an old, negative thought or belief & reframe it more positively. Don’t put off eating healthier until tomorrow or next Monday! Start right this minute. Change the next coffee or alcoholic drink for water or herbal tea, just once. That’s the start.

You have the ability to take control to make more positive changes to your overall wellbeing right this moment. New Year’s resolutions generally don’t work. But small consistent changes do.

Change just one tiny thing right now. What are you waiting for? Happy 2024!

Jane Casey has been a registered nurse since 1999, and is a qualified wellness coach. She takes a holistic, compassionate and realistic approach which strikes the right balance, for you. 
Contact Jane to find out more:
I: janecaseycoach
Please mention The Listing when calling.