From Tallulah’s Kitchen: All American Baked Cheesecake With Pecan Pie Topping

Hello my fellow foodies and welcome to another recipe!

This month I thought I would share wilth you something to celebrate our American neighbour’s Independence Day. I was torn between a proper baked cheesecake and Pecan Pie, so after much debate I though “why not the best of both?” I hope you enjoy it!

For the base:
• 300g Digestive biscuits
• 2tbsp Cocoa powder
• 50g Melted butter
• 1tbsp Golden caster Sugar

Crush the biscuits to a fine crumb, add the sugar and the cocoa powder then stir in the melted butter and mix thoroughly. Pour into a grease proof, lined, loose bottom 23cm round tin and press down to form a flat and even layer, pop it in the fridge to chill.

For the filling:
• 340g Cream Cheese
• 140g Caster Sugar
• 125ml Sour Cream
• 2tbsp Plain Flour
• 2 tbsp Orange Juice
• Finely grated zest of one orange
• 2 eggs from happy free running hens

Cream together the cream cheese, sugar and sour cream together then add the flour, orange juice zest and eggs and beat until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Pour this mixture over the chilled biscuit base and bake at 170° for approximately one hour until the cheesecake is set with a slight “wobble” and just beginning to colour on top. Remove from the oven and allow to cool in its tin.

For the topping:
• 130g Brown Sugar
• 25g Cornflour
• 1/4 tsp Salt
• 4 egg yolks from free running hens eggs
• 150ml Maple Syrup
• 125ml Double Cream
• 150g Chopped Pecan Nuts
• 2tbsp Butter
• 100g Pecan halves to decorate

Place brown sugar, cornflour and salt in a heavy based saucepan. Add the egg yolks, maple syrup and double cream and heat up until the sugar dissolves, then bring to the boil stirring all the time. Once you have a custard like consistency add the chopped Pecans nuts and stir well. Allow to chill slightly then pour this nutty loveliness on top of the cheese cake and arrange the Pecan halves on top in a pattern of you choice.

Chill for as long as possible, over night works well, before slicing and serving with Patriotism, a ticker tape parade and much fanfare…. or lashings of whipped cream and a nice cup of tea if that is more your “thing!”

Until next time dear reader…

Tallulah Le Fey xx