Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

Even in December the Heath is full of life. The trees and shrubs provide shelter and food for a variety of wildlife.

On your winter walks look out for Jackdaws, Fieldfares and maybe Redstarts, mistletoe on the trees along the Baldock road and footprints of rabbit, deer, fox or badger in the mud.

Find out more by joining expert Doug Radford on one of the Friend’s last events of 2022. Doug, former manager of Fowlmere Nature Reserve, is leading the Winter Wildlife Walk on Saturday 10th December 2-4 pm.

To book your place phone Ray Munden on 01763 241217. Cost members £5, non-members £7. The Friends have organised and taken part in 10 events and 12 litter picks in 2022. Birds, bats, badgers, trees and flowers were the subjects of the nature events.

Both archaeological walks and the photography course provided fun and factual information. Artists drew inspiration from the Heath and other local beauty spots in the Plein air art sessions. The quiz and Easter egg hunt were strictly for entertainment. The Friends committee enjoyed meeting and talking to everyone about the Heath and Greens at the Royston Kite festival and Sustain-ability day in Priory Gardens.

We are looking forward to organising more events next year. Season greetings to everyone and enjoy your winter walks across the Heath.

To find out more about The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens and how we support the Heath check out