If you’re over pension age and struggling to make ends meet then you might be eligible for Pension Credit. Many people think they are not entitled to claim, but you can get Pension Credit even if you have other income, savings or own your own home.
It’s Worth Checking
It’s worth checking as it may not only give you more income but also provide access to additional benefits, eg, help with rent or mortgage interest, council tax and one-off payments such as Winter Fuel.
To ensure that you qualify for the Winter Fuel Allowance, you should apply before the 21st December 2024: gov.uk/pension-credit-calculator
At a glance
Pension Credit tops up:
• Your weekly income to £218.15 if you’re single
• Your joint weekly income to £332.95 if you have a partner
How do I Apply?
You can apply for Pension Credit online: gov.uk/pension-credit
You can also call the Pension Credit claim line on 0800 99 1234
What information do I need to apply?
You’ll need the following information about you and your partner if you have one:
• National Insurance number
• Information about any income, savings and investments you have
• Information about your income, savings and investments on the date you to backdate your application to (usually 3 months ago or the date you reached State Pension age if this is sooner)
If you need help to apply, AGE UK Hertfordshire Team can help.
Call 0300 345 3446 or email info@ageukhertfordshire.org.uk or Citizens Advice North Herts can help.