Citizens Advice North Herts & District 
It’s always frustrating when you run into problems with home improvements.
If you consider the work unfinished or unsafe it’s worth knowing you’re protected by the Consumer Rights Act 2015, which says the work should be completed with ‘reasonable care and skill’. If they haven’t done this, they’ve broken the law. The Act means you’re legally entitled to ask them to fix the problem or get money refunded. They should fix the problem or refund you in a reasonable amount of time, without causing too much inconvenience.
If you’ve received the invoice for the work but not paid yet, now would be a good time to ask them to fix the issue or you can negotiate a lower price for the work. Speak to them in person, or contact them in writing/over email. There are template letters on the Citizens Advice website if you need any ideas and be sure you have a written copy of anything agreed. Before you contact them, it’s a good idea to take photographs to use as evidence of the problem.
Make notes about what happened, including dates and times. You should also gather any paperwork and receipts. Was the final cost in line with estimates or quotes given to you at the outset of the work? If not, there is advice on the Citizens Advice website about steps you can take.
If you’re struggling to come to an agreement, there are other steps you can take to solve your problem these include using ‘alternative dispute resolution’, which is a way of solving disagreements without going to court. There are full details about how to do this on our website. To call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline call 0808 223 1133 or to contact Citizens Advice North Herts call 01462 689801 or visit