Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Creating New Habits

Creating New Habits

13th January 2023 is (apparently) National Quitters Day!

Who knew? Research suggests that as much as 80% of ‘New Years Resolutions’ fail before February looms……..

Why is this? Studies vary, but it can take anywhere between 18-254 days to create a new habit. As children we form beliefs about ourselves according to our experiences & influences. These beliefs about ourselves (or others) also can become habits. We may believe we are always going to fail, or are just not destined to achieve certain things. These are learned responses which we CAN unlearn (Hurrah!) in order to reach our goals and life happier, healthier lives!

Contact me to discuss how wellness coaching helps you.

Jane Casey has been a registered nurse since 1999, and is a qualified wellness coach. She takes a holistic, compassionate and realistic approach that strikes the right balance, for you.


Wellness Coaching can help with:
• Weight Concerns • Eating Habits • Poor Sleep Patterns • Living with a long term condition of the stress of a busy life

In our January 2023 Jane took part in our My Local Life article to read more visit: https://bit.ly/MLLJaneCasey

Please mention The Listing when calling.

Contact Jane to find out more: