Clubs & Societies

Royston Rotary Memory Café

Meets every second Wednesday of the month, providing support to folks with memory loss and their carers.

Enjoy friendship, fun and games

10am to 12noon at Coombes Community Centre, Royston

Details from David Izod, 07875 909731
Royston Round Table

A community organisation for men aged 18 to 45. Social activities such as HGV driving, Indoor Skydiving, laser warfare, zorb football, banger rally. Support the local community raising funds and organising events such as Father Christmas sleigh, Music Festivals and more. New members welcome.

Royston Royal British Legion Club Ltd

A Members Social Club affiliated to the Royal British Legion with a range of activities including occasional entertainment on Saturday evenings.
There is an excellent hall and member's bar available for bookings.
Opening hours are Monday - Thursday 5. 30pm - 11pm, Fridays 5. 30pm - 11. 30pm, Saturdays 4pm - 11. 30pm & Sundays 12pm - 10. 30pm.

Royal British Legion Club, Mill Road, Royston, Herts SG8 7AE

01763 244560
Royston Rugby Club

Rugby Union Football Club in Herts

Middx. 1 1st XV, 2nd XV, Veterans, Youth and Minis. Mini/Youth.

Men's, Women's and Mixed Touch Rugby for Adults and Mixed, Boys and Girls only teams for Children.

Ages 4+
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, various sessions.

The Heath, Royston, SG8 5BG

Georgie Standon (Club Administrator) 07857 867 075
Royston Runners

Various sessions for all abilities from 6.30pm The Heath, Royston, SG8 5BG.
Tuesday ‘Club Runs’, Wednesday ‘Track’ and Thursday ‘Coached’ sessions plus a whole range of social activities.
Absolute beginners are welcome to join our regular C25k programmes

Informal friendly group. New members are always welcome.

Mondays & Wednesdays, 1.30pm - 3.30pm (October - April).

Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT

Pat Leggett, 01763 220794
Royston Shotokan Karate Association (R.S.K.A.)

Instructors – Sensei W Varsally  -  4th Dan.

Sensei  N Varsally  -  4th Dan.

Classes for adults and children (6yrs+) of all skill levels.

Try with a free first lesson with no obligation to continue.

Fridays    –   6-7pm  -  Lower Belts.

7-8pm  -  Higher Belts.

Royston Leisure Centre, Woodcock Road, Royston, SG8 7XT.



Royston Speak Out Club

Royston Speak Out Club

Affiliated with the Stroke Association.

Support with communication, activities and outings.

Our Club has flourished in Royston for over 30 years. We are a very happy and active group where, people who have suffered a stroke, can get together, in a social setting, and enjoy sessions of quizzes, arts and crafts and special outings. New members will be very welcome.

Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT

The group meet every Thursday 10am to 12.15pm

07591 973363
Royston Swimming Club

Qualified training and coaching for competitive swimmers of all ages. The club competes from local to National level. We have swimmers from 8 years to 80 years of age.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Various times - see website.

Royston Leisure Centre, Woodcock Road, Royston SG8 7XT

Play competitive table tennis with 6 teams of varying ability in the North Herts League.

Thursdays, 7.30pm - 10.30pm.

Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT

Contact Alan Chappel 07766 211861

Alan Chappel 07766 211861
Royston Tennis Club

We are a friendly Club committed to making tennis available to all ages and abilities in the town and the surrounding area. We are lucky to have six floodlit courts, a strong coaching program and a thriving membership of keen players. We maintain competitive, team and tournament level play in singles and doubles, and place great emphasis on junior and mini tennis. We very much welcome new members, so get in touch and try a social session for free!

Venue: The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG

Visit our website for more information


Royston Touch Rugby

Fun non-contact sport

Training sessions every Wednesday 7.30-8.45pm

Anyone aged 14+ is welcome. Mixed sex, age, experience /ability

Give it a try!

Join us for a free session

Held at Royston Heath

Text Ian: 07922 080796
Royston Town Band

Brass Band weekly rehearsals.

Activities including competitions, concerts, summer fetes, parks.

Any age and ability welcome. Development band rehearsals for beginners/learners of any age on Tuesdays.

Tuesdays 7-8pm for Development Band.

Thursdays, 7.30-9.30pm.

Tannery Drift, Royston, SG8 5DE

Charmian Flowerday, 07787 504752

Every Wednesday and Saturday

Royston Market Square

Market Hill


01763 245484

RTFC, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7HP

Various times

Terry McKinnell, 07772 086 709 or Steve Jackson, 07850 383 483
Royston Town FC (Hall for Hire)

You can hire the Clubhouse for your exclusive use to celebrate special events and occasions. Special discounts apply for all RTFC Supporters Club members.

Garden Walk,

01763 241204 (RTFC Clubhouse Number)
Royston Town Ladies FC

Various times in the week.

Royston Town Football Club, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7HP.

Contact Clubhouse, 01763 241204
Royston Town Youth FC

FA Charter Standard Community Club with FA Qualified Coaches running Mini Crows (3-6 years), Inclusive (Disability), Wildcats (Girls only 5-11) and our Youth section covering U7-U18 Football Teams, training and matches at varying times/days/locations.

Holiday Club

Royston Town Youth FC Inclusive 

Fun football coaching sessions for children aged 6-16 with Learning, Sensory and Physical Disabilities

Fridays, Junior 6-7pm Senior 7-8pm

King James Academy - Junior Site, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7JF

Guy 0790 419 3530 or Frankie 0790 415 7940
Royston U3A (University of the Third Age)

Royston U3A's constantly growing range of group activities offers members the opportunity to make new friends, discover new interests and activities they never had time for before.

Royston U3A has over 400 members and if you are semi-retired or retired you are very welcome to join.

Monthly meetings with a visiting guest speaker are held on the last Tuesday of the month, 2pm.

Hardwicke Hall at Royston Town Hall Melbourn Street, Royston SG8 7DA

Jackie Gellert 01763 248097
Royston WEA Student Group

Royston WEA Student Group
Educational study courses for adults. Tuesdays 10am - 12 noon, Spring and Autumn.
Room 11, Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA

Local Contact:  01763 246960, National: 0300-303-3464
Royston WI (AM)

The modern face of the WI. A group of friendly ladies invite you to join them for speakers, coffee mornings, outings, fun and friendship.
Make time for yourself.
Second Wednesday monthly, 9.45am for coffee, 10.30am start.
Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston  SG8 7JL

Pat Morritt 01763 661627
Royston Wildlife Group, part of the Friends of Therfield Heath

Talks from leading experts in wildlife, ecology and conservation.

Meetings are held on the last Tuesday evening in the months of Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan and Feb.

Town Hall, Royston  SG8 7DA

Contact Ray Munden, 01763 241217
Royston Writers Circle

Informal, friendly and supportive group of writers, meeting once a month to write and share feedback.
Meetings are usually on the third Thursday of each month at Royston Town Hall - see website for details

Contact Julie Dore, 01954 719395

The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.

Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.

We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.

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