The Listing Directory

Jane The Doula

Dedicated to supporting families since 2012, Jane is a local, renowned Birth Doula and Hypnobirthing Practitioner, offering antenatal courses, pregnancy and birth support, and the 3-Step Rewind Technique.

Replace anxiety, fear and the unknown, with calm and confidence as you receive practical, emotional, and educational support to transform your journey, for you, your birth partner and your baby. Benefits of this preparation and support often leads to shorter labour, fewer medical interventions, reduced cases of PND and more.

07772 102792

Structured course covering various Jazz styles Tunes rehearsed for a concert performance Advice on Chords, Scales, Structure, Musicianship All instruments.

Thursday evening

Croydon Village Reading Room

Contact Ray Batson, 01582 453419
Johnson Matthey Vintage Club

For the retired JM work force and their partners. Social chats, quizzes, seasonal meals and outings, etc.
Meetings first Tuesday every month (Feb-Dec),  2.30-3.30pm.
Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston, SG8 5PT

01763 246960
Joint Royston and Melbourn Taekwon-Do School

Joint Royston and Melbourn Taekwon-Do School Little Dragons classes for 4-8 year olds in Meldreth on Tuesdays and Royston on Thursdays. Main School classes for all ages 8+ at King James Academy Royston on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Junior Park Run

Free, family-friendly, volunteer-run event for children ages 4-14. Run or walk 2k run around the Wimpole Estate Junior Parkrun course, every Sunday 9-10am - all welcome!
Wimpole Estate, Arrington, SG8 OBW

The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.

Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.

We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.

Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

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Visit the Children and Families Directory for services, activities and events.