Be Sustainable in November

Be Sustainable in November

Winter is nearly here and hedgehogs will be starting to hibernate – some may have started already.

Piles of garden debris are irresistible to hedgehogs looking for a snug nest. A log pile is one of the best garden features for encouraging all kinds of wildlife and very easy to make. It will encourage insects and provide nesting holes all year around. You could make your very own DIY hedgehog house! Download instructions here

It’s difficult to think about turning down the heating as the days get shorter and the temperatures begin to drop, but setting your system to one or two degrees lower than usual can save you money! The rule of thumb is one degree lower equals 1% less on your bill. A lower thermostat means more Christmas presents – higher means less!

November is when we think about planting ready for spring. Sow your wildflower seeds outside, and sweetpeas indoors under a cloche or near a window. It’s also the time to plant a hedge and other saplings. Saturday, 26th November marks the beginning of National Tree Week. Get involved with a local volunteer Tree Wardens’ event at

Lastly, and this is a really big ask: Guy Fawkes Night might be fun but it’s an eco nightmare. As well as animals being endangered and disturbed by fireworks and bonfire piles, fireworks shoot a cocktail of chemicals into the atmosphere, many of which can be harmful to people and the environment. Instead, consider wrapping up warm for a cozy barbecue or a small bonfire using untreated wood and garden waste. Check for sleepy hedgehogs first or build it on the day of burning.

Enjoy your favourite campfire treats tomato soup, veggie hotdogs, hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows!

Have a safe Bonfire Night!

Sustain-Ability Team