The whole of February is “Show The Love” month and this leap year gives us an extra day to explore 
This Climate Coalition website, has information on upcoming events and crafting projects: everything from green heart macarons and patchwork hearts to campaigning for cheaper, renewable energy. Don’t forget! Even though the evenings are gradually becoming lighter we still need to be cautious about leaving lights switched on unnecessarily and having the heating turned up too high. Please don’t run your car engine just to keep the heater going. An extra woolly layer or two goes a long way towards saving our planet.
World Wetlands Day falls on 2nd February, go to where this year’s theme looks at how the world’s wetlands and human wellbeing are inextricably linked and how ecosystems are important to us all. There’s a beautiful photo gallery of wetlands from all over the world. You can even add your own. Given our proximity to the Fens, there are many wetlands for us to explore
International Polar Bear Day is the 27th February, this year focuses on raising awareness of mother bears and their cubs. By protecting the arctic environment and the future of the polar bears we protect our own climate. to find out more, fundraise or even adopt a polar bear!
Lastly, do keep an eye on those sleepy hedgehogs, make sure they have access to food if you become aware of them moving around, and look out for early spring flowers blooming through the frosts. Chit those potatoes and begin planning for early spring planting.