My Local Life…Yvonne Wright, from The Wright Accounts Services

My Local Life… Yvonne Wright, from The Wright Accounts Services

This month we spoke to Yvonne Wright, from The Wright Accounts Services based in Ashwell. She’s married to Ian Wright (although is keen to point out it’s not the footballer, although the money would be handy!) and they have one daughter, Charlotte who is in year 4 at Ashwell School. Yvonne loves being an active part of the village community and is currently the Chair of Ashwell school PTA, helping with fund raising events.

Yvonne completed her AAT qualification in 2006 and has worked in various businesses accounts departments from 2002 until she was made redundant in 2013, and then The Wright Accounts Services was born. Yvonne now has various clients that she does weekly, monthly or quarterly bookkeeping and management accounts, along with a few sole traders and self-assessment tax returns.

Where do you live and how long have you lived there?
We moved to Ashwell just over 5 years ago which was the best move ever, although nearly didn’t happen as we were both nervous about moving from a town to a village. I grew up in Hitchin but Ian was originally from London so he was a little more concerned about the move from Hitchin to Ashwell than me.

What’s your favourite local place to eat?
We don’t often eat out and I can’t even remember the last time we did which is rubbish as I’m a bit of a foody. I trained at a catering college and love to cook. The last one I really remember enjoying was at The Queen Adelaide in Croydon, the food was amazing.

Your favourite local Shop?
I love Ladds in Royston and Sarah’s Farm Shop in Steeple Morden. You can’t beat a small independent shop to get great service. I try to buy local and support smaller businesses which wasn’t very easy during lockdown.

Tell us about how you’ve coped and adapted during lockdown
Lockdown was a bit of a shock to the system, the first one saw Charlotte and Ian both at home all the time which I thought might be hard, but they let me get on with work and Ian due to being furloughed did home schooling for two months, which was amazing.

I used to go to quite a few of my clients on a weekly basis and work in their offices but I had already introduced a few of them to online accounts software Xero so in fact, it wasn’t too difficult to adapt to those clients and carry on working from home. The rest I had already been working on from home anyway so it was service as usual. And now working from home is the norm for me, but I still love the odd visit to work in my clients offices every now and then.

What is your favourite film?
We are very big Harry Potter fans in our house, we’ve read all the books and watched all the movies a lot so I would have to say the most watched movies in our house are any of the Harry Potter ones. I love a chick flick – Meet Joe Black is one of my favourites.

What do you love about your work?
I love the flexibility of my work, I can do it around family life and also with so many different clients, doing different things its great to have such a variety of work as I don’t do the same thing every day. I love to help people with managing their businesses and understanding how their businesses are performing, helping them manage the cashflow is such an important part of running a business.

What is your most valued possession?
I’d say my Kindle. I love a book and was very anti-Kindle at first and then I realised it meant I could read any book anywhere, it’s a brilliant invention.

Which four people you would invite to dinner?
Kylie, Madonna, the Queen and Jamie Oliver. It’s a funny mix, I know, but I have loved Kylie from a young age and I just can’t get her out of my head! I was a massive Madonna fan growing up so I’d be really interested to meet to her. After the two queens of pop I thought it only right to invite the actual Queen, I’m actually a bit of a royalist at heart and loved going to the Jubilee celebrations in London in 2012 and so looking forward to next year’s Jubilee celebrations. Jamie Oliver because I went to catering college when I was younger and wanted to run my own restaurant so I’d like to swap a few recipes with him, plus I have all his books and he inspires me to try new things when cooking.

What inspirational quote sums you up?
Here’s one from Harry Potter, when Ron says to Hermione – “You’re a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant but scary.”

The Wright Accounts Services Ltd
01462 743159