Looking After You: Sustainable Tips You May Not Know
Following on from last months “Is it time to create a new “normal”?” article (https://bit.ly/LookingAfterYouJuly)
I would like to share my reasons for the shift towards more sustainable living. Wellbeing has always been at the heart of what I do, and this is no exception. I believe it is now time we truly care for the wellbeing of our planet. It may seem a massively complex task but the least we can do is try. Here are some tips to living more sustainably. We are all aware of the reusable water bottles and metal straw choices that we can all make and whilst these are amazing sustainable swaps I wanted to share with you changes that may not be obvious but can have a huge impact in living low waste and low impact.
1. Water wastage
Water scarcity is a serious issue that is not often talked about in the mainstream but realising that water is a precious resource that needs to be used with care. So, invest in a refillable water bottle that you love, turn the tap off when brushing your teeth, take fewer or shorter showers, be mindful of how much you are washing your clothes and dishes, is it needed? Try placing an empty jar by the sink and see if you can fill it up with water that usually is poured down the sink but can be used to water plants or flowers around the house or garden.
2. Shop local and second hand
We are making A LOT of stuff that ultimately ends up in landfill and takes thousands of years to even start to break down. Buying new items keeps this cycle continuing viciously so having a change of thought before automatically purchasing new is a great step. We have some great charity shops in Royston and with swapping and selling sites it’s so easy to find something you need second hand.
Safe Stay, Kim