Royston Parish Church: Opportunity To Leave Your Mark

After the devastating fire of 9th December 2018, the congregation at St. John’s in Royston have decided to view the necessity to refurbish as an opportunity.

The building had several issues, for example, accessibility of the toilets, and heating and lighting issues. While the insurance will pay for cleaning and reinstating, it will not pay for any changes. Therefore, an ambitious fundraising programme has begun in order to take the opportunity to make the building a more welcoming space for a thriving community-focused church.

On the first anniversary of the fire, the church is reaching out to friends, past and present, to consider sponsoring a chair as part of the fundraising programme. Sponsoring a chair will mean that a plaque will be displayed, with your own inscription on it. Families or local groups might want to have an inscription as their contribution to the heritage of the town. It might be a fitting tribute to someone who has passed away and who was a member of the community. Parents might want to have a plaque to commemorate the birth of their children, or a couple the date of their wedding inscribed for posterity. Imagine being able to take family and friends to see the plaque, situated for the foreseeable future in a Grade I Listed Building used by the whole town for worship, school and community concerts, toddler groups and the like, knowing that your contribution made these events possible.

To register interest in the sponsor-a-chair programme, please contact the church on