Business Profile – The Herts MS Therapy Centre – Would you like more energy?

Would you like more energy? Are you in pain? Is your brain foggy? Oxygen Therapy may help you. It helps people with a wide range of conditions and is used to help recovery by many professional sportspeople, including world-famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.


The Herts MS Therapy Centre in Letchworth has the only Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber in Herts. The Centre welcomes people with any neurological or long-term condition.
Oxygen Therapy is very safe. Many people find that Oxygen Therapy gives them:
• More energy
• Reduced pain
• Clearer thinking
• Faster healing
• Decreased swelling and inflammation

Oxygen Therapy means the delivery of pure oxygen under gentle pressure. It can help people with neurological conditions including MS, Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME, also Cancer, Diabetes and stubborn infections and ulcers. Inflammatory conditions like Arthritis, Autism and Cerebral Palsy can also respond well to Oxygen Therapy. It can also help Long Covid.

“The day after my treatment I feel so much better. I’m walking faster and I can think more clearly. Plus – I’ve met some great people.” Sharon H

Try Oxygen Therapy for FREE – Find out what Oxygen Therapy feels like!

Free trial sessions of Oxygen Therapy are now available. Book your place via or 01462 684214.