Update on Royston Parish Church

Update on Royston Parish Church

Although there is still some way to go before completion of the restoration/refurbishment of our beautiful church, the recent successful re-commissioning of the bells, which was heard by many, is a significant sign that, after nearly four years, the end is in sight.

It was good to hear the bells ringing out once again although this was only to enable them to be rung prior to the funeral and in honour of our late Queen Elizabeth.

Sadly the bells, see picture below, will only ring out again once we are back in church.

Although, as with all building projects, unexpected delays can crop up, we are praying that we will be back in church during November.

With this expectation in mind listed below are some “Save the Dates” for the diary as part of our Festival of Re-Opening
Saturday 26th November 2022 – Open Day
Sunday 27th November 2022 – Town Service of Thanksgiving
Sunday 19th February 2023 – Church Re-Dedication Service

More details of these and other dates for celebration will appear next month. Between now and then we will be taking delivery of the new chairs, installing the new audio/visual system as well as the new digital organ.

In the meantime progress, details of services and more will continue to be found on our website at www.roystonparishchurch.org.uk where there is also a link to a video of a short ringing of the beautiful new bells.

All of these details will be found on our website together with information on how to support the church through donation as well as progress on the building works. This can be found at www.roystonparishchurch.org.uk