Following a period of apparent inactivity, arising from the need to determine the soundness of the floor, internal scaffolding has finally been erected throughout the nave and inspections carried out by structural engineers to assess the damage to the roof caused by the fire. As a result a Schedule of Works has been drawn up and tenders sought for the next stage of the restoration works.
Inspections have also been carried out on the stonework of the tower as well as the support structure for the bells.
The result of all this is that we are beginning to see some momentum building as we move forward on the reinstatement of the church.
It was recently reported that Historic England had placed St John’s on its “At Risk” list. This is normal under the circumstances and enables Historic England to give us priority as we consult with them in returning the church to being the beautiful iconic place of worship that it was prior to the fire. We are fully confident of the “At Risk” status then being removed.
Architects plans for the re-ordering of the church are being finalised as is the decision on the seating that will replace the pews.
Whilst all of this has been going on we still continue to receive donations as previously reported, for which we are most grateful. At this time particular thanks go to Newlings of Royston who organised the recent very successful evening – “Royston’s Got Talent” – which was enjoyed by all who attended. As a result we are pleased to report that we have now received well in excess of £40,000 towards the costs of refurbishment.
As we approach the Christmas period we will be holding additional special services as usual. Details of these will be found on posters around the church and on the website our website.
Please do come and join us, all will be made very welcome.