Therfield Heath Conservation

Therfield Heath Conservation

Thank you for the warm welcome!

One week as a newly appointed Ranger and I have already fallen in love with Therfield Heath. The community feeling surrounding the area has made it all the more special and I have very much enjoyed meeting those who care for the Heath and hearing why it is so important to them.

My biggest goal is to be a visible reminder that the Heath is loved, cared for, and protected.

As a Zoologist and a Ranger, I simply love wildlife. I will be out and about improving habitats for wildlife and helping people to enjoy the Heath without damaging the plants and animals we all love to see.

I’ll be monitoring the safety of our very important sheep, carrying out vital work for the wildflowers by doing what they do best – eating. If you see me out and about, please feel free to stop and say hello. I love a chat and will be more than happy to explain the conservation work going on to improve this beautiful SSSI. I am a verified dog-lover, and no doubt will be introducing myself to all your four-legged friends as well.

Catherine (Cat) Wright,
Heath Ranger