The Friends Of Therfield Heath and Greens

The Friends Of Therfield Heath and Greens

The Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Richard Beazley MBE visited Therfield Heath & Greens in July, to be welcomed by Janet Rossignol-Bubbins, Chair of the Friends of Therfield Heath & Greens, and Clare Swarbrick, Chair of the Conservators.

The Vice Lord-Lieutenant was accompanied by his wife Violet and Deputy Lieutenant Dr Richard Woolfson.

Clare had the pleasure of introducing Mr Beazley & his wife to Therfield Heath’s new Head of Conservation & Development, Cheryll Whaley-Wilson. The group enjoyed a walk to Church Hill where many visitors find a fantastic display of pasqueflowers every year. The Vice Lord-Lieutenant chose to visit Church Hill as the site has been the Coronation Meadow for Hertfordshire since 2013. The meadow’s rich biodiversity and environmental value means is it one of only a handful of meadows nationwide to receive this status. As Cheryll commented “Church Hill is a site of special scientific interest and home to a particularly significant population of pasqueflowers along with other chalk download flowers such as cowslips and kidney vetch”.

Having enjoyed a visit to Church Hill the Vice Lord-Lieutenant discussed Therfield Heath & Greens with representatives from the Conservators and Friends of Therfield Heath & Greens over lunch at the Heath café. Janet Rossignol-Bubbins presented the visitors with 12 months Honorary Membership of the Friends of Therfield Heath & Greens to encourage them to visit again soon.
The wild flower season on the Heath runs from March to November.

You do not even have to step off the path to see an amazing variety of wild flowers and wild herbs. Walk slowly and look closely amongst the grasses and you might spot flowers such as Agrimony, Squinancywort (they look like white spots), Wild Basil and Bird’s–foot trefoil (also known as the egg and bacon plant). Our thanks go to Claire Beale, conservation ranger of the Magogs, for leading a very interesting flower walk. Non members are welcome at Friends events; but members get a discount when we charge for an event such as the flower walk.
The Friends monthly litter pick is on Sunday 8th August. Meet near the café and car park. Equipment is provided. Please wear sensible footwear and dress according to the weather.

For more information check our website