April Update: The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

Will you help water the new trees?

Now it is spring, and the four trees planted by The Friends on the Heath in the autumn need watering once a week. They each need a gallon a week, less if we have a very wet spring, maybe more if the temperatures go very high. Several people have already volunteered to make sure the trees are well-watered throughout April. If you have time over a weekend The Friends, and the trees, will appreciate you joining the watering team until the autumn. The more people who join the team the fewer times people have to carry out this necessary work. A watering can is provided!

Interested? Email friendsoftherfieldheath@gmail.com for more information.

More dates and information have been added to the history page on the website. Did you know that this area, including the Heath, used to be ruled by the Danes? The famous pasque flower, which is coming into bloom on the Heath, has the nickname “Danesblood”. Read more on the history page at www.friendsoftherfieldheath.org.uk.

The Plein Air art sessions will be starting again in May. Details will be posted on the FOTH events calendar, in the members’ newsletter and here in The Listing, so keep an eye out for further news.

Whilst walking over the Heath also keep an eye out for trees that have catkins like the Silver Birch, flowers like the Hawthorn, and anthills of the yellow meadow ant that is host to the Chalk Hill Blue butterfly. Try listening out for lark birds performing their song flight. Enjoy your Heath.

To find out more about The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens and how we support the Heath and for this month’s events visit: www.friendsoftherfieldheath.org.uk