Be Sustainable in April

Be Sustainable in April

Since last year there has been a significant shift towards environmentally responsible packaging for Easter eggs. Gratuitous plastic casings were on their way out and in came recyclable cardboard boxes with, in some cases, compostable, transparent vegetable starch windows. While there are still a lot of chocolate eggs wrapped in aluminium foil available in stores we do seem to be beating the unnecessary plastic packaging at last, and a lot are ethically produced too:

Although the Great British Spring Clean runs from mid March for two weeks, organising a community litter pick for that time frame has been a bit tricky. This year the Royston Environmental Group are hosting the Great Royston Coronation Litter Pick with everyone meeting near the Civic Centre (W3W///exhales.yesterday.growth) at 2:00pm on Saturday, 22nd April 2023 to then be dispersed to litter pick locations in various areas around the town. Do come and join us!

It’s rhubarb season! And there are some wonderful recipes for using your own homegrown rhubarb. A family favourite is a hearty crumble made with luscious stem ginger chopped into the fruit base and ground almonds added to the crumble topping. Serve with your preferred dairy-free ice cream or custard. Rhubarb makes a great breakfast compote reduced with honey, served with a pot of plain yoghurt. Its most peculiar use is for cleaning up a burnt pan. Simply boil a stem of rhubarb in water for about ten minutes and then rinse it out – super shiny pan!

While you’re out and about over the Easter weekend, please do visit the Community Garden on Saturday, 8th April 2 – 4pm.

There’ll be our usual gardening activities and an Easter egg hunt!

Happy Easter! from the Sustainability Team