Spotlight On… Royston Photographic Society

Spotlight On… Royston Photographic Society

To celebrate the range and depth of photography being produced in the club, Royston Photographic Society have gone online with their exhibition which is usually displayed in the Royston Museum & Art Gallery.

The purpose of the Celebration is to reflect on the quality of photography in the club after more than 30 years of existence. We are also aiming to stimulate interest in photography locally and to profile the opportunities available to society members which may be of help to local photographers wanting to develop their hobby further. With competition news, an exhibition launch and skills development the club could sound very formal and daunting, but it is essentially a social group of like minded people, with a passion for photography, that embraces all goals & standards. The event will be hosted by the Royston Photographic Society Chair, it will contain a contribution from our new Town Mayor, with the exhibition being formally declared open by the Curator of Royston Museum and Art Gallery. The evening also provides an opportunity to thank the members and supporters of the society.

A huge amount of work has gone into the production of the pictures by our photographers and we believe the style, and presentation, of the online, ‘walk round’ gallery will surprise and thrill visitors thanks to outstandingly creative work from our Secretary Andrew Fox.

Opportunity for local groups

On a separate note, the Society has started a programme of contacting local community groups who are beginning to become active again after lockdown. The society is offering the opportunity for groups to have their events and activities photographed for publicity and newsletter purposes, to assist them in letting members, and potential members, know that they are up and running once more. If this free service is attractive to any groups who have not been contacted so far, please ring the number given below regarding new members.

If anyone would like more information regarding Royston Photographic Society please contact Peter Baker on 07921 191887
The gallery can also be accessed through a link on the Royston Museum website or can be viewed directly by using this address:
Icelandic beach scene, Andrew Colgan
Therfield Heath, Peter Baker