Spotlight On… Arthur Rank Hospice Charity
Arthur Rank Hospice Charity is inviting walkers to dust off their crimpers, grab their leg warmers and give their Saturday night the disco fever, at their annual memory walk. Star Shine Night Walk will go retro with a 1980s theme on Saturday 18th May.
This year’s fun-filled walk will start at 8pm. Walkers take on a 6.5 or 10 mile route taking in Cambridge’s most historical streets and countryside, which starts and finishes at the Shelford Rugby Club.
Emma Thong from Cambridge took part with 8 others last year as part of ‘Team Louise’ in memory of her sister-in-law. Collectively the family-team raised over £1000 for the Hospice. She said: “Going through the finish line at the end was tearful. It was kind of like an end. But it was good: the feeling and the ambiance and everything. At one point some people behind us were singing cheery songs. We were saying after about how nice it was that people were happy and I think that everyone felt the same way. We’d all been kind of there and knew what it’s like and we were just all supporting each other.”
The popular annual event is one of Arthur Rank Hospice flagship fundraisers, helping to support people in Cambridgeshire living with a life-limiting illness and those who need end-of-life care. The Hospice’s services are provided free of charge to patients and their families; the aim is to provide the highest quality care, helping them to make every moment count.
3600 patients are cared for each year across the Hospice in Cambridge, the Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre in Wisbech and in patients’ own homes via the Arthur Rank Community Team. The care and support provided by the Inpatient Unit, Day Therapy and Hospice at Home teams is practical, holistic and tailored to the individual. Programmes may include psychological support, physiotherapy, complementary therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitative support, counselling, bereavement and spiritual support. For more information about the Hospice call 01223 675888 or visit arhc.org.uk
As a charity, the Hospice needs to secure £8.1 million every year to deliver its services free of charge to patients and their loved ones. About half of this currently comes from commissioned income whilst the Charity relies on the local community to contributes the remainder, by raising funds in a whole host of different ways, including taking part in events like Star Shine Night Walk.
Registration costs £17.50 per person, which includes your t-shirt, medal, and refreshments (celebratory hot drinks and bacon or veggie rolls at the finish line!). To register to take part as an individual or with a group of friends, family or colleagues, please visit starshinenightwalk.co.uk/register
01223 675888