Royston Rotary Swimathon 
Save the date for the next Royston Rotary Swimathon on Sunday 16th October 2022 between 6 – 9pm at Royston Leisure Centre, Woodcock Road, Royston SG8 7XT. Entry is open to all ages.
This annual event is an important feature of the Royston Rotary Club’s year. It incorporates a great deal of fun for the teams who participate as well as raising funds for both the participants and for Rotary charities. This year the Swimathon’s nominated charity is Carers in Hertfordshire. You have an opportunity to donate 50% of the sponsorship money raised by your team to your own chosen charity or dedicate it towards your own in-house project. The remaining 50% will be split equally between the Rotary Club of Royston Charity Fund and Carers in Hertfordshire.
Teams can have up to 6 members who swim in relay for 55 minutes. The aim is for each team to swim as many lengths as possible in the 55 minutes available.