Royston Repairer Goes The Extra Mile

Royston Repairer Goes The Extra Mile

It was a first at the Royston Repair Café in August when a young owner booked in a powerless electric scooter. Assessing the owner to be a responsible rider and someone keen to learn more about how an e-scooter works (and why it sometimes doesn’t!), volunteer repairers Jon and Randall set about trouble-shooting the problem, bearing in mind that neither had worked on an electric scooter before.

Repair sessions usually last around 30 minutes to give everyone a fair share of the repairer’s time. At the end of the session with the e-scooter, it was still not fixed but, being the curious problem-solver he is, Jon ‘went away to sleep on the problem’. Going way beyond the call of duty, he then spent hours at home scratching his head, downloading apps, trawling the internet and, in his words “getting down with the kids and learning scooter-speak.”

After a day or two of stripping down and rebuilding the scooter, Jon’s determination and patience were rewarded with a fix! One delighted young owner is now back on two wheels (off-road we hope) having saved an estimated £150 in repair costs. Jon is rightly pleased that his effort paid off but, sadly for other e-scooter owners, his spare time is limited.

The good news is that dedicated volunteer repairers will again be on hand at the next Royston Repair Café on Saturday 26th November, 2–5pm at Coombes Community Centre.

Book your broken item (one per person) at in advance. In case of difficulty with online bookings, send details about your broken item – make, model and problem – and your name to or call 07962 157589