Discover over 2000 years of Royston’s story… by Royston Museum 
Over May half term, we’re holding two days of springtime arts and crafts. Make bird feeders, bug hotels, pinwheels, mobiles and more! Learn about your local flora and fauna and what you can do to protect it. Thurs 1st & Fri 2nd June. Drop in 10am – 4pm. £3 per child. Accompanying adults go free!
To celebrate Pride Month, join us for our upcoming talk: Romosexuality, presented by our friend and curator at North Herts Museum, Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews. What was life like for men attracted to men in the ancient world? Was it the ‘gay paradise’ that some have suggested? Thursday 22nd June, 7.30pm. £10 entry. £5 for members. Book online:
Then, on Friday 30th June, the Friends of Royston Museum present an evening of music, featuring a ukulele band, folk music, country & blues performers and more! £10 entry. Drinks & nibbles included. As always, proceeds go towards supporting the museum and its collection. Book online:
June is also your last opportunity to see our latest exhibition, ‘Back to School’, exploring Royston’s schools throughout the 20th century. Through objects, photographs and interviews with real students, find out what life was like for pupils at Queen’s Road School, Market Hill School and St Mary’s. Learn about their teachers, what pupils studied and what happened if they misbehaved! Open until 18th June 2023. Free entry.
PS. Save the date! On Saturday 8th July, we’re holding a Summer Carnival! With stalls, fete games, arts and crafts, face painting and more! For more information, see