The return of the Royston Memory Cafe…

The return of the Royston Memory Cafe

The families, friends and carers of local people suffering dementia and memory loss will be delighted to hear that help is once again at hand. After a break of two years caused by Covid restrictions, the Royston Memory Cafe, run by the town’s Rotary Club, is to return on the second Wednesday of each month, starting at 10am on May 11th at the Coombes Community Centre.

Rotarian David Izod said: “Dementia demands unconditional love and support, which can be exhausting for caregivers. Moving the individual into a care home can cause the family to feel that they have let them down, and do not love them enough to keep them at home. It is not an easy situation.

“There is a need for both those with memory loss and their caregivers to meet and exchange experiences, and to share laughter and love through the Memory Café. Founded in 2017, we have had typically 15-20 guests and around 10 helpers at each event. We have covered topical themes such as Last Night of the Proms/singing, reminiscence boxes, spring bulb planting, visits by our caring dog Spyder, going on safari, ukulele band and hand bell ringers.”

There is no charge for visiting the café. “Just turn up to be entertained and enjoy,” David added.

For more information, please contact David Izod on or 07875 909 731 also visit: