Royston Community Association

Royston Community Association

The Royston Community Association would like to pay particular thanks to Bill and Lindsay Davidson who have moved out of Royston to be closer to their family. Bill had been Chairman of the association for 14 years, our longest-ever serving Chairman, and Lindsay also joined as a Trustee in 2018.

The photograph is from 2012 when Coombes Community Centre, which is run by the association, celebrated its 25th Anniversary and Lindsay at the time was Royston Town Mayor. Bill served on North Herts District Council as a local councillor and Lindsay was on the Royston Town Council for some years, both giving their time to promoting Royston. We all wish them well in their new home. As two of our Trustees have left the area the RCA is now looking for new Trustees to join the association’s meetings to take the Coombes Community Centre and the Association into the future.

If you feel you can give a small amount of time as well as contribute to the community of Royston, and help manage one of Royston’s best assets, keeping it serving the community for many years to come, please get in touch:, 01763 248081