Royston Photographic Society

Royston Photographic Society

Royston Photographic Society is continuing through lockdown with a varied & interesting programme. Like many other groups, our meetings are now held on Zoom & members have adapted excellently to chatting online.

General club nights are held on Thursdays and consist of a mix of competitions, presentations from stand out photographers, as well as evenings for members to share photos, stories & experiences. The range of external speakers has been a major. In March we will hear from James Kerwin, currently based in Azerbaijan, showing photographs of abandoned buildings, with other presentations showing sights from Norway & Kenya.

The society now operates a dedicated landscape group. Despite lockdown we have still been active, when rules permit, with a focus on photographers picking out the best views from Therfield Heath & Wimpole.

On the competition front, there have been 5 events this year. It is a credit to the development of our photographers that these have produced 5 different winners. It is marvellous news that so many can produce outstanding shots. In the next 2 months our competitions are titled People, followed by an Open competition.

In the absence of live exhibitions the Society has produced a splendid online gallery which can be found at
For anyone wanting to know more about the society and membership, please contact Peter Baker on 07921 191887 –Â