News from Royston Library: Summer Reading Challenge – Ready, Steady, Read…

Ready, Steady, Read…

That’s the name of this summer’s reading challenge from Hertfordshire Libraries.

Together with Youth Sports Trust, The Reading Agency have created a fun and engaging theme that will allow your children to be rewarded for reading for pleasure. It aims to address the dip in reading levels that often occurs during the summer holidays.

Children will be able to join a superstar team and their marvellous mascots as they navigate a fictional summer obstacle course brought to life with illustrations by children’s illustrator Loretta Schauer, rewarded by free incentives including stickers. After reading six books and completing the challenge children will receive a personalised certificate, a medal and a finishing gift and be entered into a prize draw for a creative workshop with Loretta Schauer herself.

Your children can sign up for free with a library card at Royston Library from 8th July.

Last year Hertfordshire Libraries had over 16,000 children take part in the challenge, and we’d love to help each, and every child to enjoy reading this summer.

Royston Library is also hosting a theatre production of Julia Donaldson’s Detective Dog on Thursday 3rd August at 4pm. This is an exciting production, full of music, puppets and surprising smells! Suitable for ages 3+, tickets are £5 per person, available from Royston Library.

Each month, we provide PC and Tablet Taster Sessions; an opportunity to learn the basic skills in an informal hour long session, on a 1:1 basis. These sessions are bookable at the library and cost £7 or £5 concession.

We also have all our usual sessions – please see The Listing What’s On Calender for details also like and follow Royston Library on Facebook:

Royston Library, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JN – 0300 123 4049