Corvus Amateur Drama Society (CADS) is Royston’s much loved amateur drama group, performing since the 1940s. This image is from the 1968 performance of Ali Baba – here in Royston pantomime’s popularity has endured. As usual this year’s production is much anticipated…
This time round is a particularly hilarious take on the traditional story of Aladdin, penned by CAD’s own Ian Sims, who will also be directing it with the assistance of Alison Bass and Musical Director Louise Atkins.
Poor Aladdin, impoverished son of Widow Twankey of Twankey’s Laundry, has fallen for the lovely Princess Jasmine, despite her father’s instructions that anyone who even so much as looks at her will face execution…
Meanwhile, the despotic Abanazar is desperate to find the magic lamp that will give him unlimited power. Will our hero succumb to the temptation of untold riches and side with Abanazar? Will he escape arrest by PC Ping and PC Pong and win the hand of the Princess? Will Humpy the Camel make his by now traditional appearance? Hey, this is pantomime – what do you think?
CADS needs a director for its Spring 2016 production! Ideally, we’re looking for something of an intimate style and size but anything will be considered – please contact the CADS secretary on if you are interested.
As well as putting on productions, CADS runs its own regular Play Reading Group! Similar in constitution to a book group, the idea is that a different person hosts each meeting in a room at a local pub or similar venue and (crucially) selects a play for the group to read “round the room”. The choice of play can be anything the host decides might be interesting or illuminating or simply fun to read and may even be a mystery until the night…

These meetings are definitely not auditions – the group is open to absolutely anyone, whether or not you’re a CADS “regular” and you don’t need to have any previous experience of drama (or indeed any future ambition to act!). The idea is to convene at around 7.30 pm, buy a drink at the bar, and then start the reading at 8.00 pm. There’s also no need to book – just turn up – we look forward to seeing you… The next reading will be in February and you can find details on the website or facebook page.