The Foxton Scarecrow bi-annual Feast took place in October and brought out a host of interested families to view the 40 amazing displays that had been erected around the village. From a simple single figure to more elaborate creations, all of which, had been cleverly and lovingly assembled, mostly in residents’ gardens, with the theme being characters from books.

From mid-day until 5pm there was a full programme of events around the village to complement the charactures. St.Laurence Church hosted a children’s scarecrow making competition, an Autumn flower show, and the Foxton Singers also entertained, whilst on the green, there was a tombola stall and a raffle. The Village Hall staff dispensed beverages, whilst customers browsed a variety of stalls, and watched the Impromptu Band entertain.
A spokesperson for the village willingly stated that “There’s no rural decline in Foxton. It’s a thriving village, and everyone comes together when there’s an event and when they are required to. It’s one of the best communities in South Cambridgeshire.”

Article and photographs supplied by Clive Porter