Our latest speaker was Ray Munden, who gave a really interesting talk on the flora and fauna of Costa Rica.
We were shown lots of fantastic slides of many species of birds with the most beautiful plumage plus other wildlife including frogs, lizards, sloths and coatimundi. We were given an insight to another part of the world.
On to the interest groups: our two Book Groups are reading ‘Cambridge Black’ by Alison Bruce and ‘Lessons in Chemistry’ by Bonnie Garmus – this last title was made into a series for Apple TV. The Craft Group will be starting on a new project and the Walking Group is going for a ramble over the Heath following a coffee morning at the Heath Cafe. The Lunch Group had a very enjoyable time at The Jolly Postie and last but not least, some members of the Garden Group visited Anglesey Abbey to see the snowdrops. We were very lucky with the weather, no rain and it wasn’t windy. The snowdrops were, of course, beautiful and there were lots of aconites, hellebores and cyclamen to see plus some early daffodils. The colour of the dogwoods was striking and the silver birches were stunning as usual. A lovely day out!