Icknield Walk First School visit to the Celtic Harmony Camp in Hertford…
Year 3 pupils from Icknield Walk First School recently visited the Celtic Harmony Camp in Hertford. They took part in a range of different Iron Age activities. They used querns to grind wheat to make flour for bread and made traditional Celtic kale and herb soup, which smelt like fresh grass but did not look very appetising! The children made bracelets, which they dyed, using natural dyes and ate their lunch in a roundhouse with a smoky fire. In the afternoon, the children used Iron Age coins to buy gifts and had a go at weaving using a loom.
Miss Bennett, one of our Year 3 teachers said, “We have enjoyed exploring the Celts within our classroom learning. Visiting the Celtic Camp really helped our pupils step back in time and gain a deeper understanding of Celtic life”. One child commented on the experience saying, “I loved it so much, especially trading my coins to get an Iron Age arrowhead”.