My Local Life… Louise Bradley

My Local Life… Louise Bradley

Louise Bradley is a freelance administrator, the co-ordinator of Make Lunch Royston and the Facilities Manager of The Old Schoolhouse, a new community hub in Royston town centre.

She moved to Royston with her young family in 2014 so has lived here for 8 years now. Coming to Royston was the right decision for them as a family, and they love living here.

What’s your favourite local place to eat?
I can’t pick just one, there are so many great places to eat in Royston! With friends, our go-to is Number 41. We love the food and atmosphere there. After church on Sundays me and the kids often head to The Old Bull or Jolly Postie for a proper roast dinner.

What’s your favourite local shop?
I know this is going to be an unusual choice but I love my local shop, the Costcutter on Burns Road. I am in there almost every day getting something I have forgotten from my main shop and all the staff there are so friendly and kind to me and my children.

What makes you happy?
Family, friends and sunshine! My life is pretty hectic and I am usually rushing from one activity to the next, so having a lazy day at home with my children is rare and a welcome treat for us all. We love snuggling up on the sofa and watching films in the winter and relaxing in the garden in the summer.
We also love family days out and holidays. I am planning a short break in London this Easter for me and the kids and we are looking forward to a big family holiday in Cornwall this summer.

What does success mean to you?
Success to me is simply doing a good job of whatever I am trusted to do each day. Some days this is running a safe and fun Make Lunch session, other days it is preparing The Old Schoolhouse for a community group or business meeting.

Co-ordinating Make Lunch is a huge privilege for me, I love working with our volunteers and families. Seeing our Make Lunch children enjoy their meal, try out fun new activities and make new friends at our club is so rewarding.
Last year Trinity Life Church completed the first stage of renovations at the Old Schoolhouse and opened the building for local groups, businesses and individuals to hire. It’s a really lovely venue and I’m looking forward to welcoming new groups and businesses to the Old Schoolhouse this year.

What is the most challenging aspect of your position?
I have several different and varied jobs so managing priorities is often a challenge. Somedays I have to be disciplined to ensure I am doing work that needs to be done, rather than the work I like to do! Obtaining funding is also a big challenge. Make Lunch relies solely on charitable grants and donations so as the club grows, our funding needs also grow.

What is your favourite thing about living in Royston?
Something that really struck me when I first moved to Royston is how friendly everyone is here. I often have random conversations with strangers in the street and this never happened in any of the towns I lived in before. Royston is a small town but it has a big community feel. I have always felt safe and welcome here and I never take that for granted.

For more information on The Old SchoolHouse, email or call 01763 230350. You can also follow them on Facebook @roystonschoolhouse

For more information on make Lunch Royston, please contact Louise Bradley on 07742 927160 or