Museum Musings: We’ve Been Busy!

Welcome to 2020!

We’ve been busy changing some of our displays – come and see for yourself! We want to highlight some different things from our brilliant collection and give the things that have been on display for a few years, a little rest.

We’ve teamed up with Royston Cave to show more objects found there. The Cave is closed at the moment but come to the museum to see the displays until it reopens.
We’re looking forward to working with Girl Guides who are celebrating 100 years in Royston. We’ll be bringing new artists to our gallery. We’ve got lots of crafty ideas.

Here’s something we like the sound of from our collection; a steamer for making Roly-Polys! This was used by the same family from 1920 to 1993. How many Roly-Polys did they get through?!

We’ll be searching our collections for more random items over the year.