Museum Musings: Collecting
Along with many museums, Royston Museum are seeing the importance of recording what we’re all going through.
The collecting will happen when we open so if you have something you’d like to share, please keep it aside.
We’ll be collecting in three types of objects.
1. Photos – For example rainbows in windows, Royston’s Bear Hunt and images that show your experiences like queues outside shops, closed signs on buildings, children and adults working from home and any more you think show the current situation. Photos must have exact location details, and information about people in the photos and what’s happening. This info is valuable when looking back and trying to see what life was like.
2. Diaries – Your record of life at the moment. These will be kept secure for 15 years before being made available for researchers, Personal identifying details will be kept secret for 50 years. All information will be available fully after 65 years.
3. Objects – We will collect a few samples of things that we now use like facemasks, rainbow pictures and homeschooling materials.
Once we open again, we’ll share more about what we would like to add to the collection to make sure this time is recorded.
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