Menopause Cafe @ The Old Bull Inn, Royston

Menopause Cafe

October is World Menopause Month and local business women, Pat Duckworth and Kathryne Scully have come together with The Old Bull Inn to create the first Menopause Cafe in Royston.

It will be held at 10.30am to 12noon on Wednesday 26th October in the Oak Room at The Old Bull Inn, High Street Royston. 

Menopause Cafes are an opportunity to drink tea and coffee and talk about menopause with no preset agenda. They are free and open to everyone regardless of age and gender. There are no sales or promotions – apart from the refreshments – and there is no intention of leading participants to any conclusion, product or course of action.

The first Menopause Café was organised by Rachel Weiss in 2017 in Perth and since then they have been held all around the UK and across the world. You can read more about Menopause Café at

Pat Duckworth said, ‘I am delighted to be offering this event in Royston. There has been so much written and talked about menopause in the past twelve months but it can still be an isolating and worrying phase in women’s lives. The more we can get together and talk about it openly the easier it becomes.’

Kathryne Scully said, ‘I am really excited about this event. I am still a bit young for menopause but I want to understand more about it so that I can be well prepared and I can support other women.’


If you would like to go along, you can register at