Looking After You: Massage

The Benefits of Massage

Massage was once considered a luxury but now is looked upon as a vital part of healthy wellbeing.

With everyday stresses and strains it is more important than ever to give your body and mind some ease. Massage treatments have such powerful benefits which can help support a stress free healthy life. A massage reduces stress levels in most people and may also help manage or reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can relieve pain and stiffness in the body according to Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals and full body massage may release endorphins, which act as a pain reliever.

Receiving a full body massage can increase your immune system’s functionality by stimulating the lymphatic system, which assists the immune system to protect the body. And whilst all of these are already amazing benefits the stimulated blood flow benefits the appearance and health of the skin. The massage can also encourage tissue regeneration, which may help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

With all these benefits and with lots of different options for massage locally it’s the perfect excuse to give yourself some care.

Kim Fletcher