July – News from Therfield Heath …

The Friends of Therfield Heath… Expect to see an abundance of colourful wildflowers and grasses when you walk on Therfield Heath in July.

The weather will hopefully be warmer and drier than in the previous spring months, making it ideal for slow meanders across the heath where you might spot the purple milk vetch or maybe the yellow kidney vetch. Herbs such as marjoram, purple wild thyme and wild basil grow among the grasses. Also in flower should be the yellow agrimony, cowslip, common spotted orchid, oxeye daisy, and not forgetting the extremely small, white Squinancywort. Thriving on the abundance of flowers should be a variety of butterflies. The beautiful Chalkhill Blue butterfly season is nearing its peak. Learn more about these insects on a butterfly walk on the Heath on Saturday 27th July. Led by Nick Keep, in collaboration with the Cambridgeshire and Essex branch of the Butterfly Conservation Trust, this is a free event.

To find out more visit: www.friendsoftherfieldheath.org.uk


Therfield Heath & Greens… Look out for the Chalkhill Blue butterfly which will start to emerge at the end of June. If you stand still for a while you may be pleasantly surprised to see a small blue butterfly around your ankles.

We have been having record levels of rainfall. A normal year is 450mm or 18 inches and last year we had a record fall of 740mm. You will see everything is growing at a rapid rate. When the sun comes out, the grass will stop growing and start to dry. This is when we must be vigilant and make sure there are no naked flames. Last year we removed five small metal BBQs, the latent heat remains in the ground for hours after you have gone home and one small spark could start a fire which will catch and spread in the long grass.
If your favourite seat has disappeared, please don’t worry. We have now removed and refurbished three benches with the help of Conqueror Industries and the Golf Club. These benches are having memorial plaques fitted and will be reinstated over the coming months. We are reviewing accessibility and benches are a considered part of this process. The Conservators of Therfield Heath and Greens.

To find out more visit: www.therfieldheath.org.uk
As advertised in The Listing July Issues – www.thelistingmagazine.co.uk