The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens are planning another year of interesting and varied events in 2024.
Last year FOTHG organised 15 events, took part in two community festivals, merged with Royston Wildlife Group, arranged three wildlife presentations in the Town Hall and litter picked on the Heath every month.
Members also took turns to water the newly planted trees throughout the hot summer months. Some of the organised fundraising occasions include: An evening bat walk led by an expert, a daytime flower walk with a knowledgeable guide, en plein air art sessions, early evening yoga sessions with a local teacher, a Saturday photography course, an Easter egg hunt, a fun quiz in The Heath Café and a charity meal in town. All events are Heath based with the permission of the Heath Conservators.
FOTHG are a voluntary group working alongside the Conservators to promote and encourage the use and access to Therfield Heath, whilst raising awareness of the related Bye-Laws and regulations that protect the Heath.
The group also supports conservation protection, improvement of the natural environment and improved facilities for the users. The Friends of Therfield Heath is a registered charity and funds raised by our events go towards supporting the Heath and Greens.