Icknield Walk Science Day
On Friday the 3rd May, 16 parents with a passion for science visited Icknield Walk First School for their 11th annual science day. The aim of the day is for every child to get hands on with a science demonstration or fun activity and to ask questions about the science in our everyday lives.
The children interacted with a range of activities such as how our bodies fight again viruses, what is needed to make the fizziest drink, took part in a mini beast hunt and learned about food webs.
Also featured, was a large homemade Papier-Mache nose model for the children to interact with and learn about the science of smell. This was of course completed with ‘green smile’ bogies making this activity particularly popular with the children.
Headteacher Jane Sherwood explained
“This has been a super day and would not have been possible without the help of our parent volunteers and scientists who visited and delivered all these fantastic activities. I would like to say a big thank you for everyone involved today, especially staff from AstraZeneca who visited for a whole class activity and to Johnson Matthey and the Wellcome Sanger Institute who loaned science demonstration kits. The children and staff are already looking forward to next year!”