Homestart Volunteer Programme

Homestart Volunteer Programme

Home-Start Royston, Buntingford and South Cambridgeshire is delighted to announce that we have gained a new team member over the last couple of months. Kate, our new Co-ordinator, will be driving forward the development of a new Home-Start Family Support Group in South Cambridgeshire.

Home-Start Family Support Groups meet weekly and are a safe space for Home-Start supported families to meet, make friends and unwind. The groups support children’s development through activities linked to the Early Years Foundation Stages of learning and development. They help families feel less isolated, improve peer support networks, and help them to feel more confident and connected within their local communities. Home-Start Family Support Groups are run by a trained coordinator and supported by several Home-Start trained volunteers. Volunteers with experience and understanding of the challenges parents face come each week to run children’s activities, chat with parents, play with the children, and generally support running the group session.

In February, we will be running our next Volunteer preparation training course and are looking for new volunteers to sign up. The course, which runs over 7 sessions, trains and equips volunteers to provide Home-Visiting and Group support to families in our local community who are finding life difficult or just need an extra pair of hands.

“Home-Start is there for parents when they need us the most because childhood can’t wait.”

If you have a couple of hours spare a week and are interested in finding out more about becoming a Home-Start volunteer, please visit, email us at or call 01763 262262