This month marks the one year celebrations of Royston Radio. 
Back in December 2022, the first few broadcasts went out over the Xmas period and this was quickly followed by two open days in January inviting people from the local community to come and join us. We had a great response which has led to today’s total of 33 presenters all with different genres of music.
We are a Community Radio Station which is not for profit and one thing we have relied on to date is generous donations from the community for which we are extremely grateful. If you enjoy listening to Royston Radio and would like to help continue with its success within the community we welcome donations on our gofundme page
The team have worked hard over this past year and have been involved in a number of community projects including education, supporting new businesses, attending local music festivals, sponsored council events, donated Alexas with the help of Ensum Brown and welcomed visitors from The District Twinning Association.
We would like to thank all the local businesses that have supported us over this past year. So a massive shout out goes to:
Johnson Matthey
The Listing Magazine
Revolution Records
And all our other amazing sponsors.
We would also like to thank the Mayors past and present for their support, Mary Antony for announcing the official launch of Royston Radio at this years May Fayre and Lisa Adams who tirelessly promotes our town with her enthusiasm and drive.
We would like all our presenters old and new to take a bow and it’s been a real privilege to see them grow in confidence.
Founder and Director Fonz Chamberlain says, “I am overwhelmed with the response and dedication from my broadcasting and promotions team, the community and local companies for everything they are doing for Royston Radio and it’s an absolute honour to be working with such wonderful people. We are looking forward to expanding our radio station for the people of Royston by the people of Royston and beyond.”
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