From Tallulah’s Kitchen: Banoffee Pavlova

Hello my fellow foodies and welcome to my newest recipe.

This month I would like to share with you a recipe which combines two of my favourite desserts: Banoffee Pie and Pavlova. I first discovered Banoffee Pie way back when I had a Sunday job waiting in a local restaurant. I used to hope that the dessert trolley would still have some left at the end of service as my fellow waitresses and I would be allowed to gobble up any leftovers. Happy days! And what’s not to like about a pavlova? Hopefully I have combined the best of both desserts. Let me know what you think.

Banoffee Pavlova (6-8 Portions)
6-8 portions
4 egg whites from happy and healthy free running hens
250g Caster Sugar
1tsp White Wine Vinegar
1tsp Cornflour
1 tsp Coffee Powder

For the Topping
350ml Double Cream
1tsp Coffee Powder
3-4 Bananas
20g Icing Sugar
200g Dulce De Leche

To begin, draw around a dinner plate onto baking parchment to mark out the base of the pavlova and pop the oven on to 150°C to preheat. Next, in a scrupulously clean and grease-free bowl, whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. After, whisk in the caster sugar a spoonful at a time until you have a beautiful glossy mixture. Now, in a slow drizzle, whisk in the vinegar, then the cornflour and the coffee powder. Then, spread, pipe, dollop (whatever is your thing!) the mixture onto the baking parchment and within the previously drawn circle, then bake in the oven for one hour. After this time, turn off the oven but leave the meringue in the oven and avoid opening the door until the oven has completely cooled; this will help prevent cracking. The final product will keep for a week as long as it is kept in an airtight container.

When you are ready to serve, simply whip up the cream until you have soft peaks. Then, with a spoon, stir in the icing sugar and the coffee powder until evenly mixed- you may prefer a sweeter/more coffee taste so feel free to adjust the amounts to suit your palette. Spoon the cream on top of the meringue, then just before serving add the sliced bananas and finish with drizzles of Dulce De Leche over the top. You may have to slightly warm the Dulce De Leche to be runny enough to drizzle it or you may just go with the more “rustic” looking effect! Either way, enjoy it!

Until next time dear reader,

Talullah Le Fey