Curwens Solicitor Art Gallery 
Royston’s new Mayor, Councillor Lisa Adams, stepped into her new role on May 15th and with just one day’s notice attended her first official engagement.
At Curwens Gallery Open Evening Cllr Adams enjoyed viewing the current art exhibition and meeting the artists. She said “It’s a real pleasure to be here on my first engagement. Having been born in Royston, I know that Curwens solicitors have supported artists with this non-profit community gallery for many years and it’s very heart-warming to have this opportunity to support the community, what a wonderful honour.
In the year ahead, I am keen to work alongside businesses and organisations to revive youth projects, develop more services for the young community and support the elderly by improving local resources. I very much look forward to working with local artists of all ages and bringing more opportunities for them to showcase their talents and creative ideas.”
Zen Thompson, Curwens specialist family solicitor, facilitates the gallery and was delighted to welcome Cllr Lisa Adams back, further to her visit to the last exhibition which she attended with the former Mayor, Cllr Mary Anthony. Zen said: “We’re pleased to be collaborating with King James School to give their GCSE artists a platform to exhibit their work. The students’ exhibition will be available to view in the week leading up to, and after, the Royston Arts Festival with an Open Evening on September 27th.”
Featuring: Wildlife photography, Beach Acrylics, Nature Watercolours and Welded Sculptures.