The Cracked Voices Story

Servandus son of the Spaniard willingly fulfilled his vow to the goddess
Many hundreds of miles from home, one man makes his offering to Senuna. We know nothing more than his name, which means both the person who watches over things and the preserver. His voice has long been silenced.
In 2002 a metal detector bleeps. Alan Meek has chanced upon a horde of votive gifts. Carefully, he disinters Servandus’s offering and the goddess’s cracked and broken statuette from its hiding place at Ashwell End.
Senuna has not seen light of day for sixteen hundred years. Some say she is the Celtic equivalent of Roman Minerva, but her history is buried deep…a mystery, just like Servandus.
© Graham Palmer 2018
Pre Order your CD of the work and find more stories at
‘Dea Senuna’ Book Launch and Celebration
The British Museum has produced a very full, illustrated book about Ashwell’s very own Roman Goddess Senuna, which includes information never published before.
To celebrate, the book’s authors, Dr Ralph Jackson and Gil Burleigh, are coming to Ashwell to launch the book.
Please come and join us in Book Launch, St Mary’s Church,
Ashwell Thursday 5th July, 7.30pm