Community News: Reading Room in Croydon Village Re-Opens…

Reading Room in Croydon Village Re-Opens…

After three years of restoration, fundraising and the hard work of Croydon’s small population, this beautiful and historic Village Hall is about to be re-opened!

Built by the Downing Family in 1910 for the Villagers of Croydon and around, it is now a wonderful place to meet and socialise.  With new French doors opening onto a lovely terrace with a small, safe play area for children, BBQ and seating.

Inside there is a new floor, roller blinds, baby changing facilities, free WIFI, and Eco-friendly heating. The building has been repaired and decorated inside and out. New porches and disabled access make attendance easy and the front garden is looking lovely with a Jubilee Garden and now a Coronation Garden!

On Saturday 20th May everyone enjoyed a Cheese and Wine event with and photo of everyone was take who helped.

On Sunday 4th June there is a massive Car Boot Sale, for more details call 07768 960531 – Please visit if you are in the area to help support and also find a few bargains.

Croydon Reading Room wants to celebrate what they have achieved and to thank all their contributors listed below!

South Cambs District Council – Croydon Parish Council – The Bernard Sunley Foundation  – Low Carbon Work Spaces – The Wood Grill – Jewson’s of Royston and all the Villagers (and friends of Villagers) in Croydon Village who have provided support, skill and hard work.

The Reading Room is now a Registered Charity 185668
To find out more about bookings visit: