Community News: November update from The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

The autumn season started with the Bat Walk, which is an annual favourite in the Friends event calendar.

Chantal Helm from the Herts and Middlesex Bat Group led the evening walk across Therfield Heath, following the footpaths by dimmed torchlight.
Unfortunately, only one bat ventured out to be detected. We can never guarantee what will happen in our wildlife walks. Chantal thinks that the cold snap earlier in the month had caused the bats to start hibernating early.

The saplings planted two years ago no longer need watering, they can survive on their own. We thank all the volunteers who helped with this task.
The Friends organised a talk on the archaeology on the Heath in October. Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, Archaeologist and curator of North Herts museum, treated the audience to a fascinating lecture with photographs about the scheduled monuments (those lumps and bumps) that have been on the Heath since the neolithic and bronze age eras.

The Royston Wildlife Group invited Chantal to update everyone on the latest information about the Barbastelle bats. Our chair, Bryony May, has recently met with the Chair of the Conservators Nick Keep, to discuss how The Friends can continue to give their support to future projects on the Heath.

Planning more fundraising events over the winter months will keep the Friends Committee busy. The annual Quiz, Yoga with Aline sessions and an Astronomy evening are all planned.

If you have any ideas, may be prepared to share your specialist knowledge of the local environment and wildlife, could help out occasionally or join the monthly litter pick, please email the Friends on

The Friends of Therfield Heath can be found at
The Conservators of Therfield Heath and Greens: