The people of Royston and the surrounding areas are being asked to play their part in ensuring that the town’s iconic kite festival can continue on Therfield Heath. 
The festival, organised by Royston Rotary Club, has raised tens of thousands of pounds for mostly local charities over more than 20 years. It returned successfully after a break caused by Covid restrictions. Now an application has gone in to the Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to ensure its future.
Martin Berry, on behalf of the Rotary Club, explains: “We need what is known as consent under Section 38 of the Commons Act 2006 to carry out ‘restricted works’ on Therfield Heath Common. What this means is that the festival will take place on approximately 2 percent of the Common on 4th August 2024. We will have an arena for our kite flying displays, two marquees and up to 75 gazebos, which will mostly be used by local charities and associations. We will also provide up to 20 portable toilets. There will be a car park and funfair at one end of the field. The entire site will be completely cleared by the following day.”
Details of the application will be available at the Heath Café and at Royston Library until the end of this year. “It would be great if those who would like to support the event, and see it continue, could contact the Planning Inspectorate before 31st December.” Rotarian Martin added.
Any representations should be sent in writing to The Planning Inspectorate, Commons Team at 3a Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN or
A copy of the application is also available from Martin Berry, 21a Whitecroft Road, Meldreth, Royston SG8 6ND: and the Royston Rotary Website (